Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Delicatessen- Opening scene analysis

The opening is very strange and slightly amusing because we see a man hiding in a bin wearing a disguise made out of rubbish.
This then gives us the impression that this is a comedy fillm not a thriller.


Visually, this film looks a little like a thriller, especially when played without the music. The setting is dark and dirty with rubbish scattered everywhere (even a hand). Sharp objects are present around the area which suggests some violent acts have taken place. The Mise en scène  is very dirty and damp with signs of violence.


The sound completely takes away the thriller effect/atmosphere because it sounds really cheerful. When this music is played with the opening, we can tell that it is a comedy.

Monday, 14 October 2013

North by north west

In the first shot we see lines appearing from the right side and crossing with lines coming down from the top of the screen. This creates a window effect that begins to look like the side of a skyscraper. 
Immediately, the music picks up the pace.
While this is happening, we notice that the music is played by an orchestra.

The green then starts to fade and we then see a load of cars stuck in a traffic jam (mainly taxi cabs).
We then see that these cars are a reflection from the side of a skyscraper. We can then see that this is definitely set in a city (maybe New York).

The text slides across the screen and continues to do so. The scene the dissolves into a crowd of people rushing around the streets of New York. 

We then notice that the crowd of people are walking in a spiral.
We see this when they all rush down into a subway. The spiral movement could suggest that the people in this scene are doing the same thing each day over and over again.
While this is happening, the music keeps going at a fast pace. The music is overpowering and jumpy.

We then see the crowd of people hurrying along the side walk (pavement). As this is happening, the text seems to be following the movement of the crowd as if the text has been personified.

We then see the group of people spiralling down the stairs ( like the subway scene).
This tells us that their rushing around is not over yet. Throughout these scenes, the crowd has created a feeling of claustrophobia. 

We then see the true nature of New York when we see two women fighting over a taxi cab.

Finally we see Alfred Hitchcock, once again featured in his own film (this time he misses the bus). 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Trombone Shot, Dolly zoom, Vertigo shot.

The trombone shot is when you zoom out whilst you move the camera forward on the dolly track. It is mostly used for zooming in on peoples faces and stair cases (see last picture in this post).

Friday, 4 October 2013

Fonts we tested

We found a similar font on Dafont called Sansation.

We found a similar font a DaFont called Optimus Princeps

We found a similar font on Dafont called We are depraved 

We found a similar font called Muro

We found a similar font called Capital Daren

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

First Attempt Thriller Opening

I think that all of the different shot types have worked well. They all fit together perfectly and make the trailer seem more smooth and professional. I think the most challenging part was trying to make sure that the camera was not visible in any of the shots (especially shots filmed near windows and mirrors).
If I was to make another thriller trailer, I would make sure I wear the same clothes. Although it wasn't very noticeable at all.