Friday, 2 May 2014

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? (What have you learnt from the progression towards your final product?) 

Throughout the progression towards my final product, I have learnt many things. Mainly avoiding mistakes that I made. 
The main mistake that I kept making was not wearing the same costume throughout the filming and therefore, having to re-film certain parts all over again.
This mistake was overcome when I decided to carry my different clothes for the costumes inside my bag. 
This meant that whenever I needed to, I could put on the appropriate costume.

The next mistake I kept making was shaking the camera while filming.
This meant that the footage looked very amateurish and un-polished. This mistake was often made because I would often place the tripod on uneven ground and therefore, cause it to shake.
I eventually fixed this by placing the tripod on a flat surface.

One major problem was not always following the storyboard without realising. After repeating this mistake many times, I decided to bring the storyboard with me so that I could keep checking it when I needed to.

Throughout many experiments, I was able to use professional camera techniques like panning, zooming, ground shots etc These techniques that I learnt helped me to take my time and avoid a lot of easy mistakes

From the preliminary task to the final product, I learned how to properly fit footage and cut it down to the right side. This was done on Final Cut Pro.
Also, I learnt how to properly save footage onto Final Cut Pro, without having to always plug in the cameras tape.
One major problem that I had with Final Cut Pro was the sound not working. I was never able to fix this because Final Cut Pro would always freeze and crash.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Thriller opening

This is my thriller opening that I uploaded to Youtube. The one big problem I have is that the background soundtrack didn't work at all.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Evaluation 7;postID=208099685281594774

This is a link to my Thriller opening    

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Ashes to Ashes exam question

Analyse the clip from Ashes to Ashes explaining how miss en scene, camerawork, editing and sound have constructed the representation of gender.

I can see that this clip is showing how woman were represented/treated in the workplace and how they where not respected at all.
I noticed that most of the male characters seem to be very stubborn. I also noticed that the male characters seem to be slightly competitive when working together (they always try to do a better job than each other).
 The male character always seem to be verbally abusing the female characters. The insulting words that the male's use, clearly express their thoughts towards women in the workplace and outside of the workplace.

A key point in the clip is that the women are shown as mentally strong, which is seen when they deal with
all of the insults and sexism that most of the male characters direct towards them.
The women do seem to overcome this bullying by using their more sophisticated vocabulary to out smart
male characters.
The camera also shows emotions of different characters, for example, each time a female was insulted, the camera would zoom up to their face to show their emotion. 

It is clear that the male characters are more dominant due to visual hierarchy. This dominance tells the viewer
that the male is of more importance.
This is different for the females, because they get less screen time than males. This shows that the male characters are shown as important because they get more screen time.

Finally, the sound is also used to show dominance. This is shown when the male characters speak loud, when the women speak quieter. The mens loud voices maybe imply that they know their dominance and feel like shouting it out.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Evaluation question 6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

When recording our Thriller, we used a high quality (1080p) camera.
This was useful because it meant that we could film in any weather or environment and still get amazing quality without much trouble.
To keep the camera steady we used a tripod. This as useful because it enabled us to avoid any shaking when filming.
This also enabled us to carry out certain shots and camera positions without having to hold the camera steady.
My only problem with this was the amount of times the camera wouldn't let us watch our own footage.

The software that we used to edit our clips together is called Final Cut. It enabled us to get the footage from the camera, cut it, position it and tweak with it until it fits in with the rest of the footage.
I personally didn't like using Final Cut because I found that it would often freeze and crash.
This was frustrating because it meant that work was always getting lost.
Unfortunately, this problem was not sorted, but we were able to get our footage onto the computer eventually.

Any finished work was uploaded to our blogs on Blogger. This proved to be useful because it meant that work was not getting lost and/or damaged. Also, using Blogger proved to be a good way to check that each group member is up to date.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Evaluation question 4+5

How did you attract and address your audience? 

We attracted our chosen audience by using features that they informed us about in the questionaire  they filled in. This included the use of enigma. 
We tried not to use each feature too many times, so we could keep it fresh.
We were influenced by many thrillers, including 'The Bourne Legacy' and 'Marnie'. This meant that we were sure to attract the perfect audience because, by studying these films, we were able to imitate features used.
As well as using features from these films, we also attempted to edit similar effects into our opening e.g. Split screen, fade, close up etc.