Saturday, 8 February 2014

Evaluation question 6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

When recording our Thriller, we used a high quality (1080p) camera.
This was useful because it meant that we could film in any weather or environment and still get amazing quality without much trouble.
To keep the camera steady we used a tripod. This as useful because it enabled us to avoid any shaking when filming.
This also enabled us to carry out certain shots and camera positions without having to hold the camera steady.
My only problem with this was the amount of times the camera wouldn't let us watch our own footage.

The software that we used to edit our clips together is called Final Cut. It enabled us to get the footage from the camera, cut it, position it and tweak with it until it fits in with the rest of the footage.
I personally didn't like using Final Cut because I found that it would often freeze and crash.
This was frustrating because it meant that work was always getting lost.
Unfortunately, this problem was not sorted, but we were able to get our footage onto the computer eventually.

Any finished work was uploaded to our blogs on Blogger. This proved to be useful because it meant that work was not getting lost and/or damaged. Also, using Blogger proved to be a good way to check that each group member is up to date.

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