The trailer starts of very quiet and relaxed with smooth music and a basic but fitting font.
Also, there are many stick figures waking around (representing citizens) and a single figure looking slightly suspicious (representing the main character).
The music then begins to pick up the pace when the camera zooms in on the main character and when it zooms out to show an enlarged figure (main character).
The music continues to change from steady to heavy throughout each scene.
Also, the scenes used in the opening are portraying (foreshadowing) the events to come in the movie.
An example of this is the scene showing the main character walking through the hospital with the FBI agent following him.
After this, the main character walks through a library and then disappears into the darkness, leaving me to try and guess what happens next. After this, some books in the library fall over and the pages go everywhere. I then noticed a figure standing behind the flapping pages (FBI agent).
While this is happening, the music adopts a slightly deeper tone. The scene then goes dark with a load of white lines appearing down the screen. Then the main character's figure passes through the figures and disappears again. Once he disappears, a white rectangle appears standing up. This then turns into a doorway for the FBI agent to go through.
These are openings not trailers